Saturday, 27 December 2014

New Year, New Look

 Hey Everybody! hope you all had a good Christmas!

As you may or may have not notice i have changed the layout of my website! 
pretty nice huh!?

Deli Paper Doodles once again! This one i thought i would try something new so i added a bit of marker pen for the out side lines to make them stronger, 
personally i like the way this is coloured, the drained out bright colours, i think its interesting i feel as if it has a sense of industry... maybe railways about it!

Not sure! just my thoughts!
 The important thing is that you enjoy looking at it! 



Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Merry Christmas!

I had the idea to do a comic book about the Krampus but due to teaching and just genaral life getting in the way it didnt happen. you know how it is i am sure!

None the less its Christmas eve and last night at work, i did have time to do a little 3 panel cover.

So This is my latest Deli Paper Doodle!

i have done many more Deil Paper Doodles but just not had chance to make anything out of them yet BUT i will, dont you worry about that! also this is a link to my teaching website for thoes whom are interested!
I hope you all have a good Christmas and you will see much more from me in the new year :)


Tuesday, 16 September 2014

2 new Deli Paper Doodles!

I am getting quite a collection of these now :)

 When the man comes around.

Kind King of the Underworld

Saturday, 6 September 2014


Hey all im going to be uploading my images from my teaching soon but for now how about another sneak peak into the night of  the 31st of? enjoy

Sunday, 24 August 2014

Deli Paper Doodles have returned!

Hello Everybody!

Sorry i have been away so long! ive been real busy with workshops and teaching projects. its all going really well witch is good!

I do really enjoy teaching but art is where my heart is!

Hense the deli paper doodles! I hope you enjoy

Big Head Man

We are Cerberus



Thursday, 7 August 2014

A Sneak Peak

So for the Last well... Ages i have been working on a graphic novel/ book based around a poem i had written for halloween and this is a little sneak preview of one of the images!
 i hope you enjoy because there is lots more to come!

Monday, 21 July 2014


During an awesome day at the CLA Gamefair I had a wonder down artist row and made some new friends! Loverly people and great art work! A bit more networking for me to do now :)

Friday, 27 June 2014


This is well... a Cowboy not much to say! pastels and charcoal once again... ermm... yeah
I am going to try sell this at somepoint so yeah hope you enjoy it! thoughts and opions are more then welcome :)
thanks for stopping bye!
Take care!

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Deli paper doodles!

Biro and Subway Deli paper seem to be a good mix for me! These are just doodles but I hope u enjoy them!

Thursday, 12 June 2014

Blog is now mobile!

So now I have figured out how to blog via my phone! This is a true revalution! Let the mayhem being!

This is a piece of work that I have done with another Artist I hope u enjoy it! I think there is something really interesting about it!

Any thoughts and opinions let me know :)

Thanks for stopping by!

Sunday, 8 June 2014

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Drawings of Kindness part 2

So the last time I did this I had a really good reaction! so I thought well if it isn't broken don't fix it! so this is this week Drawing of kindness!

Happy Thor'sday!
So has it would turn out the word Thursday is actually Thor'sday!
a friend of mine is really into his Norse mythology! he told me that Thursday was Thor'sday to celebrate the God of Thunder himself! 
So again just before the end of my shift I thought I would draw my fellow Subwayers another drawing as they seemed to enjoy my Sunday illustration! Thor'sday made them smile! and that is the best way to start your day! with a smile!
and now I share this with you! I hope u enjoy and thanks for stopping by!
Il shell return soon with more illustrations

Monday, 26 May 2014

Drawings of Kindness

Hey All!

So I said I was going to upload some new stuff for everyone and here it is

first of all

Happy Sunday! this was to all my fellow Subwayers. Saturday night was quite at work and I thought it might cheer up the people coming in on bank holiday Sunday if I did them a little drawing and that's it. I had to do the best I could with the materials I had. all I had to hand was a biro highlighters and deli paper! shows you cant leave an artist alone for two long or magic happens :P
Then this is Joop the misunderstood monster! I was working one day at the Oyap Trust and none of my students could make it but I was already there so I decided to do something productive with my time. so I drew this little/big guy! I gave the original to the guys who run Oyap as a thank you for the effort they put into me and the time they put into the community.
I hope you guys enjoy my little doodles as much as I enjoy doing them :) I love a good cartoon! and a good doodle! especially when they cheer people up!
If you guys enjoy these cartoon doodles then let me know and il upload some more for you :)
Thanks for stopping by!


Friday, 23 May 2014

The Paper!

Hey Y'all!

so u may have noticed I disappeared for a while! well as for usual I have been busy busy busy! this is a little bit of an update. I have other things to update y'all on over the next week or so but we will start with this as it kinda big news in my books :P

follow the link for images:

so if you go into there u will find the art that I have been working on with my group on Wednesdays!

Its been a really great experience working with these guys and doing work shops its not something I have ever done before so it was all new for me!

I feel as if it went really way! and the stuff looked great while it was being displayed for art weeks! in Bicester.

we have a new project on the go now and its all exciting stuff! so I will upload as well :)

I also have a logo design to put here soon some more comic icons witch everyone seemed to enjoy and once the grand unvailing is done my animation/graphic novel!

so look out coz here I come!

Saturday, 26 April 2014

I Feel Bad!

Sorry Guys I feel guilty I cant just leave you without a drawing so how about a cheeky....




so well trolling throw facebook as you do you know I saw a compertition so I was like hey why not and I went for and now....

BOOM I have a t shirt on an actual website and everything :P

I hope your all keeping well and I have been meaning to update my profile so next week when I got some more time I will upload some more stuff!

thanks for stopping bye!

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Happy 28th of March!

Moring!... very, very early morning... First of all I hope your all well!

so its 1:26 a.m. and I haven't long been home from work but here is a picture! Goodnight...


Friday, 14 March 2014


Hey Guys and Gals!

 Lets get started! Badgers! One of the greatest British animals! They are awesome basically! Mini bears!

A little while ago there was a Badger cull to control the numbers of badgers in the wild in Britain.

The Question is... what do you think? I don't want to say to much to sway any ones mind. I am just interested in peoples thoughts!

anyways I have drawn some pictures of Badgers so enjoy!

Also coming up story boards for animation, my work with my classes and some of the children's book  art.

see you soon!

Friday, 28 February 2014

Professional Doodler!

sooo this is pretty much just some doodles :)
One day I will do a graphic novel and the character at the bottom is going  be the main character in that comic but I have so many other exciting projects to do first its kind of on the back burner right now but keep an eye out for it ;)
still got animations and childrens book to finish of first got to finish what you started!
but still enjoy these images more on the way soon!
take care
Lady Gaga promo

The Jackal

Monday, 10 February 2014


Hey Guys and Gals

Just trying to blog a bit more now!

had another training session today! was really interesting how the Viking MMA Stav can be translated into business ideas! good ol Vikings never let you down!

also I'm going to take a gander goose (look) and this tweeter business I hear its the thing to do for artist so let see how it goes right!?

but now down to the fun stuff!

I rediscovered a long lost favourite cartoon of mine called courage the cowardly dog! I love that little guy! but now looking at it has a artist it has a really interesting style of work! everything kind of looks like its coloured in with photos if that makes sense? e.g grass is actually just a photo of grass almost like a collage!

anyways it got me thinking about ways I could kind of use this in my work but make it my own you know? so I decided to have a go on this doodle of army/samurai guy!

I think it looks kind of cool but needs a bit of work to finish it up? what do we think?

thanks for stopping bye!

Thursday, 6 February 2014

Im back.... again

Hey Guys! sorry about the slow up date! ive been so busy!

I am now part of the stepping up program the next creative generation run by OYAP! its been a lot of work but been real fun so far! I had my first two REAL classes this week!

crazy I know! but its been a real blast! and I cant wait till next Wednesday when i am teaching at the studio in Bicester again!

Along side that! im guessing people are wondering how my project with Claire Carswell!   her website by the way ;)

She is an awesome lady! and Im really appreciative of the opportunity she has given me!

As for the project!! well well well... Its going to be a animation! its the first time ive really done anything like this!

but so far so good! I have written the story and the storyboarding is all done. so now its where all the fun and games start! lets get messy and make some art!

anyway i could go on and on but i guess that you guys are here to see some art ;) this is a bit of work i had down over chirstmas and never seem to make it so BlogSpot! but all that's about to change so enjoy :)

first of all this is the song that inspired me to do this!... and then... tada!