Thursday, 27 March 2014

Happy 28th of March!

Moring!... very, very early morning... First of all I hope your all well!

so its 1:26 a.m. and I haven't long been home from work but here is a picture! Goodnight...


Friday, 14 March 2014


Hey Guys and Gals!

 Lets get started! Badgers! One of the greatest British animals! They are awesome basically! Mini bears!

A little while ago there was a Badger cull to control the numbers of badgers in the wild in Britain.

The Question is... what do you think? I don't want to say to much to sway any ones mind. I am just interested in peoples thoughts!

anyways I have drawn some pictures of Badgers so enjoy!

Also coming up story boards for animation, my work with my classes and some of the children's book  art.

see you soon!